Saturday, September 03, 2011


Our baby was born on August 4, 2011! She is fantastic and healthy and awesome! However, she is also VERY time consuming! I didn't run for over a month. Last night I finally was able to enough done and she was settled enough that I was able to go for a quick run. Well, maybe "quick" is an overstatement. I'm not entirely sure because I can't find my watch!

The house is in a bit of a shambles since Hurricane Irene came through last weekend. We didn't have water pressure for a few days. Then we had water pressure but weren't able to drink the water or use it to wash dishes. The water company was handing out bottled water but they would only give out two gallons at a time. So I was making two trips a day to pick up water. It was exhausting and I have never been so thankful for modern amenities! Thankfully, we never lost our power and only briefly lost our phone/cable/internet connection.

Last night I did the run around our block. That is my don't want to get to far from the house but need to get in a run two miler! It is a few times around the block but not so many that I start to go nuts. I have done it up to four miles but that is a bit much. I honestly thought it would be a lot rougher than it was. I did walk a few times since I didn't want to push it too hard on my first run back. I just kept thinking that the baby is the best excuse for not running that I've ever had! But I also can't wait until she is old enough to ride along with me in a jogging stroller1

After I stretched a little and took a shower, I told my wife I felt human again. I've got to make sure I make time to run. It is better for my mental and physical health than not running and even if it is only for a half hour or so, it is so worth it.

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