Saturday, September 18, 2010


I started the week hopeful. But Sickness: the Redux happened. I was down and out for real. But I cannot miss another long run and so tomorrow's 18 mile race will happen, no matter what.

Because I have had so few miles in in the past two weeks, I was feeling really nervous and went out for a quick 2 miles this afternoon. It didn't feel good but it didn't feel like the end of the world either. So although I would like to get in under the four hour cut off tomorrow, it won't be the end of the world if I don't do that either. As long as I can keep at 13 minute miles, I will be fine. But first my goal has to be to finish. It is secondary to get in under the four hour cut off.

I will have to be up around 4am however, so I'm off to eat something and relax before an early bedtime.


  1. Thinking of you and your run. Being healthy at the starting line is important. I took off longer than I thought I should because so many people told me that being healthy is more important than getting miles under my belt. It worked great for me.

    Looking forward to actually meeting you!

  2. Definitely being healthy is the most important thing! Getting to the start line is the biggest part of the battle.

    I'm looking forward to meeting you as well! You'll love everyone on the team, I'm sure.
