Saturday, August 14, 2010

One Gu Will Not Do!

I've run enough half marathons now that I pretty much know what to expect...from myself, from the course, from the support along the way. So why do I still get so nervous?

Part of the reason I am nervous about the Bronx Half Marathon tomorrow is that I just realized I only have one Gu! Long story short...I have sent my wife off to the running store for Gu. If you are like a lot of my non-running friends, being sent to a running store in search of "chocolate or tri-berry Gu" probably sounds a bit odd. But for runners, this is totally the norm. I usually use three Gu's during the course of a half marathon. So one Gu will not do! I've got my fingers crossed that she can find the store, get what I need, and bring it home to me for my race tomorrow.

The last half marathon I did was horrible. It looks like tomorrow's temperature will be fifteen degrees lower than it was for the Queens Half so I am feeling relieved about that! I don't really have a time goal but of course usually want to at least fall within my standard half marathon finishing time, which does NOT include the extra half hour it took me in Queens!

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