Tuesday, August 24, 2010

just wow

Today has been a long day. Out the door at 7:45, train detoured to Hoboken, bus into Manhattan, work, work, work, then Group Run. Oh. My. God.

Tonight we did Indian Sprints. What are these? Basically, the team runs in a straight line and every minute or so the person at the back of the single file sprints to the front. It wasn't just that our "warm up" run was already ahead of my PR pace, OR that I got a pebble in my shoe at one point and had to catch up to the speed demons. Basically, I was sucking wind the whole night! The muscles in my throat hurt from trying to pull the oxygen into my body. And my shoulders started hurting from some psycho-physiological (did I make that up?) misfire that leads my body to believe it can pull itself along if I could just find a way!

I hope my team forgives me for swearing like a sailor at them for most of the night. And I feel like I need to leave an open-ended apology for everyone on the train home. I try to keep my stink to myself but it isn't like I can wrangle it!

Then I had to stop for gas on the way home. Get home, feed the cat, head upstair to shower, step in cat hairball "present," clean myself, remember to use soap, clothes in washer, STARVING!

Lately I have noticed that after a run, once I have satisfied my thirst and gotten clean, my body DEMANDS protein. Usually this means I can't stop thinking about a grilled chicken sandwich. Tonight I couldn't even wait for the chicken to cook so I made eggs instead. Eggs, cottage cheese, and whole wheat toast with almond butter. Gone!

Time to head back to the train station to pick up Ren, who add to the Tuesday night excitement by having choir practice on Tuesdays!

How will I reward myself for the day? Tomorrow is a two-fer! A workout in the morning and a workout at night!

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