Tuesday, August 04, 2009

git er done

Sunday's plan was for 11 miles. I had an idea that I might want to get up early to get it out of the way but didn't really set myself up for that and when I woke up around 8am it was pouring out so I went back to sleep. I was prepared to go out in the rain but the thunder and lightning kept me indoors. I figured if I was meant to take a rest day, I was meant to take a rest day. Then I checked the weather forecast and there was a clear spot forecasted for later in the day. So at 4pm I set out. It was actually much more comfortable than the past couple of weeks because the rain had cooled things off and it was later in the day so the sun wasn't beating down.

Tonight I had a five miler scheduled. Since it was a shorter run, I wanted to push the pace a bit. So I did but felt gross because all my moisture wicking clothes were in the wash and I ended up wearing cotton. Ewww. Still, I'm going to have to check my logs but I believe I set a new five mile PR (personal record for non running dorks).

I showered but I still feel moist so I think I'm going to go ice my hamstrings and scarf some food. Yes, dinner at 9pm is totally normal in my house.

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