Friday, April 02, 2010

Take Two

On April 7th the results of the 2010 marathon lottery will be announced. Will I be in? I've never made it in through the lottery before but maybe this will be my year!

That's right...we're doing this again!

Since I last posted, I slacked off for a while and then got back into it. The dark, cold winter proved a challenge in terms of keeping to a running schedule. But in December I ran a 10K and since then have ramped back up, running a 4 mile PR last weekend! I'm currently training for the Brooklyn Half-Marathon, which will be in May and will be my first half-marathon of the year. I'm really looking forward to a wonderful spring race.

Because of a great opportunity through my job, I was able to spend some time hearing about the great research going on at the University of Pittsburgh at the Alzheimer's Disease Research Center. Dr. Klunk, who is the co-director of the Center and was featured in the HBO documentary The Alzheimer's Project, presented a lot of great information. It was really exciting to hear about the discovery of Pittsburgh Compound B specifically.

I've been fighting a cold but am scheduled for a 7 mile run tomorrow. We'll see about that.

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