Thursday, July 09, 2009

aches and pains, physical and emotional

Today's run was an easy 3 miles. I went extra slow because my knees have been bothering me. Last week I was out of my usual routine and I think I'm paying for it this week. I skipped my usual Monday strength training, ran on gravel for my Sunday long run, and didn't follow it up with an ice bath. So everything hurts.

I followed the run with some strength training and stretching and will ice while eating my (late) dinner.

I was running with some Miles Davis on my iPod and was just chilling and thinking about what perhaps Grandma would have thought of this. She always had school pictures and newspaper clippings on display for her kids and her grandkids. Whenever I start to get too sad, though, I can quickly drum up good memories of weekend mornings chatting and laughing at the island in Grandma's kitchen. It was there I developed a wicked love of crumb cakes because that was the only time we ever got to eat them. Grandpa was the one who stocked up on those, I think. Oh how I wish I had developed my love of coffee in time to sit in the kitchen and nurse a cup while laughing with Grandma.


  1. Love the title!! I am sure your grandma would be very proud of you!

  2. Thanks! (I can't call you's too weird.)
